Operating in France

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Can I operate in France under my current amateur radio licence?f1

Yes, especially if you are making a short visit to France, say for a holiday or similar, and you hold a licence issued by a country that has implemented CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01. You need to find out if the class of your home licence is recognised as a CEPT Radio Amateur Licence. If you are uncertain about this, you can find out by contacting your home licensing administration and by visiting the European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) website.

Where can I find out about CEPT T/R 61-01?

The text of T/R 61-01 is available at :
Appendix 2 contains the information on national licence equivalence.

There is also a summary table listing those countries which have implemented the T/R 61-01 at

If you are planning a long stay in France (more than 3 months) you will need to use the reciprocal licensing arrangements – see later.

What licence conditions must I obey?

Under CEPT T/R 61-01, the CEPT Radio Amateur Licence, you must operate in accordance with the Terms, Conditions and Limitations of the CEPT class 1 or 2, which are availalable from ANFR.

What documentation do I need to carry when operating in France?

You must carry your home licence which must be in english or in french and show that it is equivalent to a CEPT Radio Amateur Licence.

f2Reciprocal licences - who will still need these?

Licensed amateurs from countries which have not implemented CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01 or T/R 61-02 will still need to obtain a temporary French licence from ANFR, at the fee applicable to Amateur Radio Licences at the time. Such licences are issued on the strength of their home licence if a reciprocal agreement has been entered into between France and the government of their country under which we recognise each other's qualifications. see table below.

A Country in UE :
Allemagne Autriche Bulgarie Belgique Chypre Danemark Espagne Estonie Finlande Grèce Hongrie Irlande Italie Lettonie Lituanie Luxembourg Malte Pays-Bas Pologne Portugal Royaume-Uni Rép Tchèque Roumanie Slovaquie Slovénie Suède

B Country oustside UE but with TR/61-01 applicable :f5
Afrique du Sud Bosnie-Herzégovine Canada Croatie Etats-Unis Islande Israel Liechtenstein Monaco Norvège Nouvelle-Zélande Pérou Suisse Turquie

C Outside UE but with T/R 61-02 applicable :
Afrique du Sud Australie Bosnie-Herzégovine Croatie Israël Islande Liechtenstein Norvège Suisse Turquie Ukraine

D Country with reciprocal agreement with between France :
Brésil Côte d’Ivoire Etats-Unis Japon Kenya

E Others


Duration Country Callsign Formalités
Less than 3 months A F/homecall/P None
B F/homecall/P None
C F/homecall/P None
D F/homecall/P None
E - Not allowed
More than 3 months A F5Vxx or F1Vxx Request for use
B F5Vxx or F1Vxx Request for use
C F/homecall Request for use
D F/homecall Request for use
E - Not allowed



How should I identify when operating in France?

You should use the french prefix 'F' , then a forward slash,‘/’, followed by your home callsign.. Thus an amateur from the Netherlands holding the callsign PA2TIL would identify in Martinique as FM/PA2TIL. Here is the list of secondary locators: F (France métropolitaine) TK (Corse) FG (Guadeloupe) FM (Martinique) FR (Réunion) FP (St Pierre et Miquelon) FH (Mayotte).
Please note that FJ (St. Barthelemy), FK (New Caledonia), FO (French Polynesia), FS (French St. Martin), FT (Crozet, Kerguelen, Amsterdam & St. Paul), FW (Wallis & Futuna) and FY (French Guiana) are off-topic.

How long can I operate in France?

T/R 61-01 is intended to cover temporary stays, for up to 3 months. For longer stays, amateurs from CEPT Administrations which have adopted f4T/R 61-02, can apply to ANFR for a Full french licence. You will need to complete a normal Amateur Radio Licence application form and to provide the following:

  • the certified photocopy of his radiomateur certificate and of his license (please indicate the lasting quality of your licence issued by the administration of your country and supply this document either in French or in English)
  • a proof he has been living in France for more than 3 months (EDF or France Telecom invoice)
  • the payment of the tax written in euro: 46 € for a one year licence to the order of the Régisseur MEFI Noiseau (only), by
    cheque or mandat cash drawn on an institution represented in France .
  • If you choose another means of payment (euro cheque) do not forget to raise the price of the tax of licence of the
    corresponding exchange expenses.

Can I operate the station of a French radio amateur?f3

Yes, with the permission of the French licensee. You may operate his equipment under your own licence, using your own callsign prefixed as described above, as if it were your own station, or you may operate under the direct supervision of the French licensee and under his licence using the French licensee's callsign.

Further information

If you want to use your station in France, here is the application form. Please send us it with all documents.

For enquiries regarding French amateur radio licences please contact ANFR who regulates radio in the France.

4 Rue Alphonse MATTER - BP 8314

N° international Tél. : 33 3 29 42 20 74
Fax : 33 3 29 42 20 70
Email: Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
Website: www.anfr.fr


Whilst every effort was made to ensure that the information given herein is accurate, no responsibility is accepted by REF, or the author for any errors, omissions or misleading statements in that information by negligence or otherwise, and no responsibility is accepted in regard to any subsequent action based on this note.

Mise à jour le Dimanche, 09 Février 2014 13:42  


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